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Loop Quantum Cosmology
- P. Singh, K.
Vandersloot and G.V. Vereshchagin, "Nonsingular bouncing
universes in loop quantum cosmology", Physical Review D, Vol. 74 (2006)
- G.V. Vereshchagin, "A qualitative approach
to semi-classical loop quantum cosmology", Journal of Cosmology and
Astroparticle Physics 07 (2004) 013.
Selected Publications, 1970-2000
- V.Belinski, I.Khalatnikov and E.Lifshitz:
"Oscillatory Approach to a Singular Point in the Relativistic Cosmology",
Advances in Physics, 19, 525, 1970;
- V.Belinski, I.Khalatnikov and E.Lifshitz: "A
General Solution of the Einstein Equations with a Time Singularity", Advances in
Physics, 31, 639, 1982;
- V.Belinski and V.Zakharov: "Integration of
the Einstein Equations by means of the inverse scattering problem technique and
construction of exact soliton solutions", Sov.Phys. JETP, 48, 985, 1978;
- V.Belinski and V.Zakharov: "Stationary
gravitational solitons with axial symmetry", Sov.Phys. JETP, 50, 1, 1979;
- V.Belinski: "Gravitational breather and
topological properties of gravisolitons" Phys. Rev. D, 44, 3109, 1991;
- V.Belinski and R.Ruffini: "Radiation from a
relativistic Magnetized Star", Astrophys.Journal Letters, 401, L27, 1992;
- V.Belinski, F. de Paolis, H.W.Lee and R.Ruffini:
"Radiation from a Relativistic Rotanting Magnetic Dipole. Magnetic Synchroton
Effect", Astron.Astrophys., 283, 1018, 1994;
- V.Belinski: "On the development of
gravitational turbolence near the cosmological singularity", JETP Letters, 56, 421,
- V.Belinski and G.Montani: "A Scenario of
Dimensional Compactification near the Cosmological Singularity", preprint I.C.R.A.,
July 1993;
- V.Belinski: "On the existence of black hole
evaporation", 1) Phys.Lett.A, submitted, 1994; 2) The talk given at Proc.of the
seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stanford, USA, 1994; 3) The short version submitted to
the Proc.of the seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stanford, USA, 1994;
- G.Montani: "On the General Behaviour of the
Universe Near Cosmological Singularity", Classical and Quantum Gravity, 12, 2503,
- V.Belinski, B.M.Karnakov, V.D. Mur, N.B.
Narozhnyi:"Does the Unruh effect exist?", JETP Letters, 65, 902 (1997).
- G. Montani "On the singularity problem in
cosmology", Nuovo Cimento, 112B, 459, (1997)
- A. Kirillov and G. Montani "Description of
statistical properties of the mixmaster universe", Phys. Rev. D56, 6225, (1997)
- A. Kirillov and G. Montani "Origin of a
classical space in quantum inhomogeneous models", JETP Lett. 66, 475, (1997)
- G. Montani "On the quasi-isotropic solution
in the presence of ultrarelativistic matter and a scalar field", Classical and
Quantum Gravity, 16, 723, (1999)
- A.Fedotov, V.Mur, N. Narozhny, V. Belinski, B.
Karnakov, "Quantum field aspect of the Unruh problem", Phys. Lett. A254, 126,
- N. Narozhny, A. Fedotov, B. Karnakov, V. Mur and
V. Belinski, "Boundary conditions in the Unruh problem", hep-th/9906181, (1999)
- Bini D., Gemelli G., Ruffini R., Spinning test
particles in general relativity: nongeodesic motion in the Reissner-Nordstr"om
spacetime, Physical Review D, vol. 61, 064013, 2000.
- Bini D., Jantzen R.T., Circular orbits in Kerr
spacetime: equatorial plane embedding diagrams, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 17,
1-11, 2000.
- Bini D., de Felice F., Gyroscopes and
gravitational waves, Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol 17, 4627-4635, 2000.
- Bini D., Jantzen R.T. Gravitoelectromagnetism: a
tool for observer-dependent interpretation of spacetime physics,. Il Nuovo Cimento, vol
115B, n. 070809, Luglio-Settembre 2000, pag.713.
- Bini D., de Felice F. Gyroscopes and Gravitational
Waves, in Gravitational Waves, Ed. by I. Ciufolini, V. Gorini, U. Moschella, P. Fre, IOP,
Pub., 2000. Cap. 15, pag 268-279.