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Aimuratov Aimuratov, Yerlan
(Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Kazakhstan)
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ansoldi Ansoldi, Stefano
(University of Udine, Italy)
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arguelles Argüelles, Carlos Raúl
(Universidad Nacional de la Plata UNLP, CONICET - Argentina)
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barres Barres de Almeida, Ulisses
(CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
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becerra Becerra Bayona, Laura Marcela
(Universidad Mayor, Chile)
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bini Bini, Donato
(CNR, Italy)
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Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady
(Space research institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
buchert Buchert, Thomas
(Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, UCBL1, ENS-L, CNRS, France)
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rafael Camargo Rodrigues de Lima, Rafael
(Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
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chakrabarti Chakrabarti, Sandip Kumar
(Indian Centre for Space Physics, Kolkata, India)
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Cherubini Cherubini, Christian
(ICRANet and Campus Biomedico, Italy)
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dellavalle Della Valle, Massimo
(INAF - Italy)
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filippi Filippi, Simonetta
(ICRANet and Campus Biomedico, Italy)
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fisher Fisher, Robert
(University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA)
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frontera Frontera, Filippo
(University of Ferrara, Italy)
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fryer Fryer, Chris L.
(University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
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Giommi Giommi, Paolo
(ASI, Italy)
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Karlica Karlica, Mile
(Astronomical Observatory Belgrade, Serbia)
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kleinert Kleinert, Hagen
(Richard Feynmann - ICRANet Chair) (Freie Universitat Berlin)
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kerr Kerr, Roy
(Yevgeny Mikhajlovic Lifshitz - ICRANet Chair and University of Canterbury, New Zeland) 
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lee Lee, Hyung Won
(Inje University, Republic of Korea)
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Lin, Wenbin
(University of South China, China)
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mansouri Mansouri, Reza
(Sharif University of Technology, Iran)
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mathews Mathews, Grant
(University of Notre Dame, USA)
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merafina Merafina, Marco
(University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
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mirabel Mirabel, Felix
(DAP-CEA-France & IAFE-Argentina)
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ansoldi Mirtorabi, Seyed Mohammad Taghi
(Alzahra University, Iran)
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muccino Muccino, Marco
(INFN, Italy)
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pace Pace, Carlo Maria

Pak-Hin, Tam
(Sun Yat-Sen University, China)

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tam Petrosian, Vahe
(Stanford University, USA)

piran Piran, Tsvi
(Yuval Neeman-ICRANet Chair) (the Hebrew University, Israel)
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prakapenia Prakapenia, Mikalai
(ICRANet-Minsk, NASB, B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, Belarus)
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punsly Punsly, Brian Mathew
(Mathew California University, USA)
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quevedo Quevedo, Hernando
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM, Mexico)
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rodriguez Rodriguez Ruiz, José Fernando
(Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, Colombia)
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Romano, Antonio Enea
(Universidad de Antioquia Medellín, Colombia)
shakeri Shakeri, Soroush
(Isfahan University of Technology, Iran)
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sigismondi Sigismondi, Costantino
(ICRA, IIS Federico Caffè - Italy)
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sobouti Sobouti, Yousef
(Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Iran)
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sonnino Sonnino, Giorgio
(Université Libre de Bruxelles ULB, Belgium)
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torres Torres, Sergio
(Centro Internacional de Fisica, Bogotà, Colombia)
zen Zen Vasconcellos, Cesar Augusto
(UFRGS, Brazil)
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