Last e-mail message from Prof. Ruffini to Prof. Stephen Hawking
From: Prof. Remo Ruffini
To: Prof. Stephen Hawking
Date: January 16, 2018
Dear Stephen,
the 2018 started very pleasantly with the appearance on the first page of ApJ of our article finally clarifying the nature of GRBs which appeared while Roy Kerr was here at ICRANet with us. A fortunate coincidence which we now share with you (see Attachment 1 and details at
As MGXV, 15th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, is approaching, we would very much like to ask you to give a presentation in the opening ceremony which will be occurring on the 2 of July in Rome. We will make all possible efforts so that your visit is both possible and pleasant.
In this world, which is getting more and more divided politically, we would like to propose that Relativistic Astrophysicists cooperate in the comprehension of our Universe and would like to ask your personal authoritative support for having the United Kingdom join ICRANet.
Greetings Remo and Roy