ICRANet is dedicating a special school on Solar Flares to Galileo Galilei Lyceum students of Pescara.
On 27 september we had the first meeting at ICRANet with solar observations in white light.
The following meeting online
29 October (Flares Math and Energy)
7 November (Sympathetic Flares)
14 November (Flares Precursors)
21 November (Flares Energy Scaling)
3 December (Flares thermodynamics)
10 December - Lincei National Academy, (Relativistic Protons from a Solar Flare - M9.75 from AR3697, 8 June 2024 0149UT)
18 December Solstizio, Lunistizio e Giubileo
17 January Diametro solare con l'eclissi
Diametro Solare
are entirely dedicated to the study of solar flares in H-alpha and X-ray, through satellite data and telescopes' network.
This school is hold during the 11-year maximum of solar activity of the cycle XXV, occurring now on 2024-2025.
The solar activity consists in a very high number of sunspots, a large area of plages and a large number of flares, many of them being sympathetic, many prominences and filaments, and some Coronal Mass Ejections.
The consequences of these CME investing the Earth's magnetosphere are the boreal aurorae, that have been visible down to our mediterranean latitudes (May 11 and October 11, 2024).
Between October and November 2024 the Sun released several X-class flares, showed some days with sunspot number SSN>200 and produced a potent geomagnetic storm around October 11, experiencing some days of intense flaring activity with all the solar active surface causally connected.
The school is directed by Costantino Sigismondi, and hold in collaboration with Asiago Astrophysical Observatory of Padova University and the AGOSTO, Asiago Group Of Solar Transient Observers.
Photo of a M1 flare of 3 Nov 2024 h 10 on the solar active region AR3878.