Belinski, Vladimir
(ICRANet) |
Cosmological Singularity  |
Bianco, Carlo Luciano
("Sapienza" University of Rome and ICRANet) |
Bini, Donato
(CNR and ICRANet) |
Chakrabarti, Sandip |
Introduction to X-ray Binaries and Accretion processes around black holes and neutron stars |
Damour, Thibault
(IHES and ICRANet) |
Gravitational Radiation and Binary Systems  |
Della Valle, Massimo
(INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte) |
Supernova  |
Einasto, Jaan
(Tartu Observatory and ICRANet) |
Large Scale Structure  |
Frontera, Filippo
(University of Ferrara) |
Open Issues in High Energy Astrophysics and Needed X/Gamma-Ray Instrumentation  |
Hütsi, Gert
(Tartu Observatory and ICRANet) |
Introduction to Cosmology  |
Kerr, Roy
(University of Canterbury and ICRANet) |
Kerr Metric and its Generalizations |
Kleinert, Hagen
(Free University of Berlin) |
Multivalued Fields in Condensed Matter, Electromagnetism, and Gravitation  |
Kobayashi, Shiho
(Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University) |
Numerical methods in Astrophysics  |
Koppitz, Michael
(Max-Planck-Institut füür Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut) |
Numerical Relativity  |
Rosati, Piero |
Rueda, Jorge |
Ruffini, Remo
("Sapienza" University of Rome and ICRANet) |
Vereshchagin, Gregory
(ICRANet) |
Relativistic Kinetic Theory and its Applications in Astrophysics and Cosmology  |
Xue, She-Sheng
(ICRANet) |
Electron-positron pairs creation and dynamics in external electric fields  |