Please wait for the registration form to come online before booking accommodation. A motel adjacent the campus will be available:
Academy Motor Lodge
Academy Motor Lodge 62 Creyke Road, Ilam: comfortable studio units, some with kitchens (single rooms have tea and coffee making facilities only). This motel is over the road from the university campus.
Special conference rate for studio units - to be arranged.
Note: these rates are only available booking through our registration form. Please book through our form rather than contacting the motel directly.
University Hall Style Accommodation
Accommodation may be arranged with one of the halls of residence. To be confirmed.
Other hotels and motels
Christchurch has a great variety of motels and hotels. There are a number of good quality motels in the vicinity of the university, with many choices on Riccarton Road (15-20 minute walk) in particular. Upmarket hotels can be found adjacent to Hagley Park in Riccarton, and near the Avon River in the city centre, both near convenient bus routes. The city centre is a 15-20 minute bus ride from the university campus in Ilam, and buses are frequents.
For those wishing to arrange their own accommodation the following websites may be useful: