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Newsletter Italian April/May 2023 Print E-mail

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ICRANet Newsletter
April/May 2023


1. Scientific highlights:comunicato stampa ICRA-ICRANet - Supermassive black holes formation from fermionic dark matter core collapse

Fundamental questions about the origin and growth of supermassive black holes in the earliest stages of the Universe's life, up to about 800 million years after the Big Bang, challenge the scientific community. An international team of ICRANet, in collaboration with researchers from the University of La Plata (Argentina), Universidad Santiago de Cali (Colombia), and Al-Farabi Kazakh University (Kazakhstan), has made a crucial contribution by proposing a new mechanism that explains how these supermassive giants arise and grow so much, so quickly. The novelty was published on May 31, 2023, by the prestigious journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1380.

The observations from the central regions of active galaxies, those that are larger and more massive than the Milky Way and have very intense radiation, suggest supermassive black holes are responsible for generating the emission of energy through jets of matter shooting out from the center of these galaxies. However, contrary to the case of black holes of stellar origin that are formed from the death of a star with a mass similar to that of the Sun, there is still a strong debate about what are the origin and main channel of formation of the progenitors (or seeds) of these supermassive giants formed in the early universe.

In the article, the team proposes a new formation mechanism to form supermassive black holes in the early universe, completely different from existing models associated with the gravitational collapse of primordial gas or hypothetical massive stars. The new model shows supermassive black holes originate from the gravitational collapse of dense nuclei of dark matter that arise in the center of the galactic halos at the time of their formation, according to the model of fermionic dark matter halos proposed by the same experts in previous researches.

The relevance of this new result is both observational and theoretical. With respect to observations, it is shown that these seeds or progenitors of black holes formed from dark matter would be born with masses of millions to hundreds of millions of times the mass of the Sun and then, once formed, grow by accretion (or incorporation) of conventional matter up to the values inferred by the observations made by large telescopes. In Fig. 1 it is shown the evolution of black hole mass for different seeds (right pannel) in the novel formation channel, and for a range of fermionic dark matter particles or darkino masses. As clearly shown in the figure, the black hole seeds formed from the gravitational collapse of the dense dark matter cores, can grow up to 109-1010 M in a fraction of the first Gyr of life of the Universe. In the left panel of Fig. 1 we show the evolution of normalized black hole spin for different efficiencies β.

Fig. 1: Black hole mass evolution in time for different black hole seeds with maximum efficiency β=1 (right panel), and normalized black hole spin α evolution for different efficiencies (left panel). Initial conditions are αi=0 and darkino masses 56keV, 100keV, 200keV, and 350keV. The spin parameter does not depend on the black hole mass. The initial redshift is z0=5.5 with t0=1022 Myr for a halo mass Mvir=5x1011M.

From the theoretical viewpoint, a new solution to Einstein's General Relativity equations was found for the first time, leading to a distribution of dark matter whose nucleus is on the verge of gravitational collapse towards a massive black hole. This solution implies that the same dark matter that forms the dense nucleus is surrounded by a more diluted halo that explains the galactic rotation curves, all in a realistic and unified picture.

For more details:
On the growth of supermassive black holes formed from the gravitational collapse of fermionic dark matter cores, C. R. Argüelles, K. Boshkayev, A. Krut, G. Nurbakhyt, J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, R., J. D. Uribe-Suarez, R. Yunis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 523, Issue 2, August 2023, Pages 2209–2218.
Link al sito della rivista: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1380

Link ArXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.02430

Link al comunicato stampa ICRA-ICRANet: http://icranet.org/communication/31052023/eng.pdf

Link al comunicato stampa sul sito del CONICET-Argentina: https://laplata.conicet.gov.ar/proponen-una-posible-explicacion-a-como-se-formaron-los-agujeros-negros-supermasivos-en-el-universo-temprano/

Altri comunicati stampa ed informazioni di contatto: Tweets by Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Journals in https://twitter.com/RAS_Journals/status/1664678764356435969

Contatto: Prof. Carlos R. Argüelles (UNLP, CONICET and ICRANet)
E-mail: carguelles@fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar
Prof. Remo Ruffini (Director, ICRANet)
telefono: (+39) 085 2305 4201, mobile: (+39) 339 475 2566
E-mail: ruffini@icra.it

2. Visita del Prof. Ruffini negli USA, 18-23 Maggio, 2023

Dal 18 al 23, 2023 il Prof. Remo Ruffini, Direttore ICRANet, ha visitato gli USA. In particolare, fino a domenica 20 maggio, ha visitato la Princeton University e l’Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) a Princeton, poiché è stato invitato a partecipare allo “IAS Founders Day 2023”.

Gli archivisti hanno anche offerto la possibilità agli alunni di consultare e firmare il registro dello IAS, un registro autografato della Faculty e dei membri che è stato conservato fin dalla nascita dell'Istituto. Tra i firmatari originari vi sono Einstein e moltri altri nomi famosi, come John von Neumann, Kurt Gödel ed Anna Stafford. Anche il nome del Prof. Ruffini è presente nel registro dello IAS.
Fig. 2: Il Prof. Remo Ruffini mentre guarda la sua firma nel registro dello IAS, in occasione della sua partecipazione allo IAS Founders Day 2023 a Princeton il 19 Maggio 2023.
Per maggiori informazioni sul programma dell’evento: https://www.ias.edu/founders-day-2023 .

Per il video riassunto dell’evento (il Prof. Ruffini è visibile al minuto 1:00): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=focxomx7t3w&t=1s .

Subito dopo questo meeting, il Prof. Ruffini è volato a San Francisco per visitare l’Università di Stanford e, in particolare, l’Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL). Durante questa visita, il prof. Ruffini ha incontrato il Prof. Kent Irwin (Direttore dell’HEPL), il Prof. Giorgio Gratta, Risa Wechsler (Direttrice del Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology - KIPAC) ed il Prof. Francis Everitt (Professore emerito dell’Università di Stanford, rappresentante dell’Università di Stanford nell’Assemblea ICRA e Chairman del Comitato direttivo ICRANet). In questa occasione, il Prof. Yu Wang, Presidente ICRA e Professore della Faculty ICRANet, si è collegato con tutti gli altri via GoToMeeting lunedì 22 Maggio, per fare una presentazione dei risultati scientifici recenti sulle ricerche in corso presso ICRA ed ICRANet. Questo incontro è stata anche una buona opportunità per rinforzare l’attuale ricerca congiunta sulla missione Gravity Probe B e sui recenti sviluppi astrofisici e le collaborazioni con il Prof. Peter Michelson, responsabile del programma FERMI.

Fig. 3: Da sinistra a destra: il Prof. Kent Irwin (Direttore dell’Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory HEPL), il Prof. Peter Michaelson, il Prof. Francis Everitt ed il Prof. Remo Ruffini presso l’Università di Stanford. Fig. 4: Da sinistra a destra: la Prof.ssa Risa Wechsler (Direttrice del Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology KIPAC presso l’Università di Stanfordy, il Prof. Francis Everitt ed il Prof. Remo Ruffini di fronte al Gravity Probe B nell’Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL).

Fig. 5: il Prof. Remo Ruffini con il Prof. Francis Everitt nel suo appartamento.

3. ICRANet GCN 33723, 4 Maggio, 2023

NUMBER:  33723
SUBJECT: GRB 230430A: A short GRB from a neutron star merger
DATE:    23/05/04 08:30:05 GMT
FROM:    Remo Ruffini at ICRA <ruffini@icra.it>

R. Ruffini, Y. Aimuratov, L. Becerra, C.L. Bianco, C. Cherubini, S. Filippi, M. Karlica, Liang Li, R. Moradi, F. Rastegar Nia, J.A. Rueda, N. Sahakyan, Y. Wang, S.S. Xue, on behalf of the ICRANet team, report:

GRB 230430A appears to have strong similarities with GRB 090510 originating from merging binary neutron stars (Ruffini et al., 2016). Also in this case no supernova is expected. Attention should be given to the determination of the temporal slope of the late X-ray luminosity which for long GRBs coincide with the common value of the power-law index -1.48+/-0.32 of the afterglow, and for short GRBs appears to have a different power law, to be confirmed (see Fig. 7 in Ruffini et al., 2016). The GeV luminosity for long GRBs has a temporal power-law index -1.19+/-0.04 and for short GRBs it has a temporal power-law index -1.29+/-0.06 (Ruffini et al., 2021). Confirmation of the values of both slopes in GRB 230430A is highly recommended to differentiate short GRBs from long GRBs. We encourage monitoring for the possible appearance of a kilonova signal.

Ruffini, R.; Muccino, M.;  Aimuratov, Y.; et al.; ApJ, 831 (2016) 178.
Ruffini, R.; Moradi, R.; Rueda, J.A; et al.; MNRAS, 504 (2021) 5301.

4. Partecipazione ICRANet al “International Conference Abdildin Readings. Actual problems of modern physics”, 12 – 15 Aprile 2023, Almaty (Kazakhstan)

Dal 12 al 15 Aprile 2023, il Prof. Remo Ruffini (Direttore ICRANet) e Shurui Zhang (ricercatore in visita presso l’ICRANet dall’USTC – Cina) sono stati invitati a presentare una lezione in occasione dell’International Conference Abdildin Readings. Actual problems of modern physics, che si è tenuta sia presso l’Al Farabi Kazakh National University ad Almaty (Kazakhstan) che online.

Il primo meeting di questa serie è stato organizzato nel 2013, in occasione del 75° compleanno dell’Accademico Meirkhan Abdildin e quest’anno, è stata chiaramente organizzata in occasione del suo 85° compleanno. I temi trattati nel corso della conferenza sono stati i principali campi della fisica moderna, tra cui la fisica teorica, la fisica nucleare e delle particelle, l'astrofisica e la cosmologia, la fisica dei raggi cosmici, la fisica dei plasmi, la fisica della materia condensata, la fisica termica, la biofisica, la fisica medica, i problemi metodici e filosofici della fisica. Gli obiettivi principali della conferenza erano la promozione della cooperazione tra l’Asia centrale ed i paesi partner chiave della regione, nonché la coordinazione degli studi di alto livello su temi caldi della fisica a livello internazionale e l’incoraggiamento di una proficua collaborazione tra ricercatori attivi e rappresentanti talentuosi delle giovani generazioni.

Mercoledì 12 Aprile, il Prof. Ruffini ha presentato la sua lecture dal titolo “New Physics and Astrophysicsfrom GRBs”; di seguito l’abstract:

The observations of Ic supernovae (Ic/SNe) occurring after the prompt emission of long gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are addressed within the binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model. Here, the GRBs originate from a binary composed of a ∼ 10 M carbon-oxygen (CO) star and a companion neutron star (NS). We assume these same progenitors originate the Ic/SN. The binary evolution depends strongly on the binary period, Pbin. The trigger, given by the CO core collapse, for Pbin of up to a few hours leads to an Ic/SN with a fast-spinning NS (νNS) at its center. For Pbin∼ 4–5 min, BdHN I occur with energies 1052 – 1054 erg, a contribution by the black hole (BH) created by the NS companion collapse, originates the Mev/GeV radiations. The ∼ 1 millisecond νNS originates, by synchrotron radiation, the X-ray afterglow. For Pbin∼ 10 min, BdHN II occurs with energies of 1050–1052erg. For Pbin∼ hours, BdHN III occurs with energies below 1050 erg. The 1–1000 ms νNS, in all BdHNe, originates the X-ray afterglow by synchrotron emission. The SN Ic follows an independent evolution, becoming observable by the nickel decay after the GRB prompt emission. We report 24 Ic/SNe associated with BdHNe, their optical peak luminosity and their time of occurrence are similar and independent of the associated GRBs. We give four examples of BdHNe and their associated hypernovae. We approach, for the first time, new physical processes in BdHNe; we identify seven episodes and their signatures in their spectra.

Lo stesso giorno, Shurui Zhang ha presentato un talk dal titolo “The transformation of the rotational energy of a Kerr BH”.

Per il sito web del meeting: http://kazps.kz/index.php?page=conferences/AR

5. Partecipazione ICRANet alla “Second international conference of the National Institute of Physics (NIP)”, 28-29 Aprile 2023, Tirana (Albania)
Dal 28 al 29 Aprile 2023, il Prof. Remo Ruffini (Direttore ICRANet) e Shurui Zhang (ricercatore in visita presso l’ICRANet dall’USTC – Cina) sono stati invitati a presentare una lezione in occasione della “Second International Conference of the National Institute of Physics (NIP)”, che si è tenuta presso l’Accademia delle Scienze albanese a Tirana.

Il NIP ha l'obiettivo di promuovere la conoscenza moderna e l'eccellenza in fisica all'interno dell'Albania e a livello internazionale. Gli obiettivi principali della conferenza sono stati la divulgazione dei risultati della ricerca nel contesto degli ultimi sviluppi della fisica (compreso l'insegnamento), il consolidamento di una rete di cooperazione tra fisici albanesi e stranieri e l'espansione del NIP attraverso nuove adesioni.

Fig. 6: il Prof. Ruffini durante la sua presentazione in occasione della Second international conference of the National Institute of Physics (NIP), 28 Aprile 2023. Fig. 7: Shurui Zhang durante la sua presentazione in occasione della Second international conference of the National Institute of Physics (NIP), 28 Aprile 2023.

Venerdì 28 Aprile, il Prof. Ruffini ha presentato la sua lecture dal titolo “New Physics and Astrophysics from GRBs”; di seguito l’abstract:

The observations of Ic supernovae (Ic/SNe) occurring after the prompt emission of long gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are addressed within the binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model. Here, the GRBs originate from a binary composed of a ∼ 10 M carbon-oxygen (CO) star and a companion neutron star (NS). We assume these same progenitors originate the Ic/SN. The binary evolution depends strongly on the binary period, Pbin. The trigger, given by the CO core collapse, for Pbin of up to a few hours leads to an Ic/SN with a fast-spinning NS (νNS) at its center. For Pbin∼ 4–5 min, BdHN I occur with energies 1052 – 1054 erg, a contribution by the black hole (BH) created by the NS companion collapse, originates the Mev/GeV radiations. The ∼ 1 millisecond νNS originates, by synchrotron radiation, the X-ray afterglow. For Pbin∼ 10 min, BdHN II occurs with energies of 1050–1052erg. For Pbin∼ hours, BdHN III occurs with energies below 1050 erg. The 1–1000 ms νNS, in all BdHNe, originates the X-ray afterglow by synchrotron emission. The SN Ic follows an independent evolution, becoming observable by the nickel decay after the GRB prompt emission. We report 24 Ic/SNe associated with BdHNe, their optical peak luminosity and their time of occurrence are similar and independent of the associated GRBs. We give four examples of BdHNe and their associated hypernovae. We approach, for the first time, new physical processes in BdHNe; we identify seven episodes and their signatures in their spectra.

Lo stesso giorno, Shurui Zhang ha presentato un talk dal titolo “The transformation of the rotational energy of a Kerr BH”.

Per il sito web del meeting: https://ikf-akad.al/english/

6. Misurare il sole con la luna: eclissi solare totale anulare dal 1567 ad oggi. Giornate gerbertiane dal 20 Aprile al 17 Maggio, meetings online

Il convegno annuale in onore di Gerberto d'Aurillac, scienziato, astronomo scolastico e Papa, si è svolto dal 20 Aprile al 17 Maggio 2023 ed è stato coordinato, come i precedenti, dal Prof. Costantino Sigismondi, collaboratore di ICRANet, a livello internazionale. Quest'anno è stato organizzato in 4 lezioni online, tenute rispettivamente il 20 Aprile, il 4 Maggio, l'11 Maggio e il 17 Maggio 2023; per questo motivo sono state ribattezzate “Giornate gerbertiane”.

Fig. 8: B Busto-Mira di Angelo Secchi sul Pincio ; Eclissi di Sole del 20 aprile 2023 a Com (Timor Leste, courtesy of Institut Teknologi Sumatra ; Macchia solare al lembo AR 3262 foto 23 aprile 2023 riftrattore 80 mm f/7.5 a Roma @540±10 nm. Papa Silvestro II (Torino, Lit. Giordana, GranDidier e Salussolia, 1854).

La Luna ed il Sole: uno ha un diametro di un milione e mezzo di km, l'altra 3480 km, l'uno sta a 150 milioni di km dalla Terra, l'altra a 384 mila km Giovedì 20 Aprile alle 3 di notte, a Timor Est (Oceano Indiano meridionale e Nord Ovest dell'Australia) c’è stata una rara eclissi di Sole ibrida, cioè anulare verso gli estremi e totale al centro della fascia. Noi usiamo la Luna, che non ha mai cambiato il suo diametro da quando è solidificata, per misurare il Sole, conoscendo bene le distanze tra noi, la Luna e il Sole, e il profilo della Luna con un metro di accuratezza.

Per ottenere dati, questa volta il Prof. Sigismondi ha proposto, invece dei telescopi, il telefonino in Telegramma degli Astronomi a tutta la comunità scientifica internazionale. ATel #15991: https://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=15991 . In questo ATel, il Prof. Sigismondi ha riassunto le molte lezioni fatte insieme agli studenti per scoprire la ghost image del Sole.

Già nel 2012, si svolse presso il centro ICRANet a Pescara il Convegno internazionale in occasione dei 400 anni dalla morte di Clavio. Giovedì 20 Aprile 2023 il meeting è stato dedicato al tema dell'eclissi con un evento online sulle orme di Cristoforo Clavio, che la osservò e descrisse per primo, a Roma, nel 1567. Il 4 Maggio il meeting è stato dedicato a preparare l'osservazione dell'eclissi di Luna di penombra del 5 Maggio, gemellata con quella di Sole del 20 Aprile. L’11 Maggio il meeting è stato dedicato all’inaugurazione del volume 20 di Gerbertus con “Il Sole” di Angelo Secchi (Edizione Italiana del 1884, ora digitalizzata) e con una biografia di Gerberto d'Aurillac - Papa Silvestro II, nel 1020° anniversario della sua morte.

Video dell'eclissi anulare totale dall'Australia Occidentale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=8455&v=ifILl7GeZpE

L'esperimento di Archimede per misurare il diametro solare
A Siracusa, Archimede aveva escogitato di osservare il sorgere ed il tramontare del Sole sul mare, ponendo un cilindro su un righello. Da un capo del righello metteva l'occhio e ad una distanza da misurare poneva il cilindro, affinché il Sole fosse leggermente occultato. Il Prof. Sigismondi ha ripetuto l'esperimento con il banco ottico in laboratorio, in vista dell'eclissi anulare del 20 Aprile, per entrare meglio nello spirito di questo evento astronomico con la scienza ad esso collegata.

Il testo di Archimede si chiama Arenario ed è uno dei primi testi classici per lo studio del diametro solare.

Per tutti i video dell’esperimento: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJaer2KV4929jBTdkwxA1P6rGOYfgpues.
Per il testo originale di Archimede: http://www.icranet.org/scuola_lavoro/2023-2024/20042023/Archimede_Libro_Alfa_Diametro_del_Sole.pdf.

Inaugurazione di Gerbertus 20.
Tl giornale dedicato alla storia e didattica della scienza, è arrivato al Volume 20 (si vedano le edizioni dal 2010 su www.icra.it/gerbertus). Tutti gli argomenti trattati fino ad ora sono a questo link: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/search/p_=0&q=bibstem%3AGerb&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc.

Per il 1020th anniversario gerbertiano del 12 Maggio 2023 (egli morì infatti il 12 Maggio 1003), il prof. Sigismondi ha preparato il numero 20 monografico, edizione digitale del Sole di Angelo Secchi. È un testo meno conosciuto della sua stessa edizione francese del 1877.

Il Sole uscì nel 1884 postumo, in Italiano, ed è a tutt’oggi un valido testo per capire cosa si vede osservando il Sole con uno strumento pregevole come il telescopio Merz da 25 cm di diametro e 2.5 metri di focale. Questo telescopio bruciò nel Luglio del 1958 quando si trovava nella cupola centrale di Monte Mario.

Questo telescopio bruciò nel luglio del 1958 quando si trovava nella cupola centrale di Monte Mario. Giuseppe Armellini, che era il direttore, morì di crepacuore qualche giorno dopo...

Gli ospiti speciali di queste giornate gerbertiane sono stati il Prof. Remo Ruffini, Direttore ICRANet, il Prof. Paolo Ochner, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Asiago ed Università di Padova, il Prof. Virginio Oldani, SAS – Stazione astronomica di Sozzago ed il Prof. Francesco Berrilli, Università di Rome Tor Vergata ed Accademia dei Lincei.

Fig. 9: Archimede, eclissi ibrida del 1966, J.A. Eddy e Clavio: personaggi della storia dell'astronomia legati a questo tipo di eclissi per lo studio del diametro solare.

Per il sito web del meeting: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1491
Per il video della lezione del 20 Aprile 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1iuNAjO4GA
Per il video della lezione del 4 Maggio 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6I2TCdVjW4
Per il video della lezione dell’11 Maggio 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHFy8rc27s
Per il video della lezione del 17 Maggio 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17-PYE3KVw0

7.Visite scientifiche presso l’ICRANet

• Prof. Sergio Torres (Centro Internacional de Fisica, Bogotà, Colombia),3-28 Aprile, 2023
• Prof. Narek Sahakyan (Director of ICRANet Armenia),11-17 Maggio, 2023
• Prof. ArbanUka (Epoka University, Albania),11-14 Maggio, 2023
• Prof. Mohamed Gadri (University of Tripoli, Libya), 11-16 Maggio, 2023
• Prof. Massimo Della Valle (Osservatorio di Capodimonte - Italy),24-25 Maggio, 2023

Prof. Sergio Torres Prof. Narek Sahakyan Prof. Arban Uka Prof. Mohamed Gadri Prof. Massimo Della Valle

Durante la loro visita, questi scienziati hanno avuto l'opportunità di discutere le loro ricerche scientifiche e di avere interessanti scambi con gli altri ricercatori dell'ICRANet e da diverse parti del mondo.

8.Pubblicazioni recenti

S. O. Komarov, A. K. Gorbatsievich, A. S. Garkun, and G. V. Vereshchagin, Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic Self-Force of a Point Charge in the Vicinity of the Schwarzschild Black Hole, accepted for publication in Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, vol. 26, no. 1 (2023), pp. 77 – 82.

A point charge, radially moving in the vicinity of a black hole is considered. Electromagnetic field in a wave zone and in the small neighborhood of the charge is calculated. Numerical results of the calculation of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation of the point charge are presented. Covariant approach for the calculation of the electromagnetic self-force is used for the case of the slowly moving charge. Numerical results for the self-force in the case of the slow motion of a particle are obtained and compared to the results in literature.

Link: https://doi.org/10.33581/1561-4085-2023-26-1-77-82

Argüelles, C. R.; Becerra-Vergara, E. A.; Rueda, J. A.; Ruffini, R., Fermionic Dark Matter: Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, published in Universe, vol. 9, issue 4 on April 20, 2023.

The nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the most relevant questions in modern astrophysics. We present a brief overview of recent results that inquire into the possible fermionic quantum nature of the DM particles, focusing mainly on the interconnection between the microphysics of the neutral fermions and the macrophysical structure of galactic halos, including their formation both in the linear and non-linear cosmological regimes. We discuss the general relativistic Ruffini–Argüelles–Rueda (RAR) model of fermionic DM in galaxies, its applications to the Milky Way, the possibility that the Galactic center harbors a DM core instead of a supermassive black hole (SMBH), the S-cluster stellar orbits with an in-depth analysis of the S2's orbit including precession, the application of the RAR model to other galaxy types (dwarf, elliptic, big elliptic, and galaxy clusters), and universal galaxy relations. All the above focus on the model parameters' constraints most relevant to the fermion mass. We also connect the RAR model fermions with particle physics DM candidates, self-interactions, and galactic observable constraints. The formation and stability of core–halo galactic structures predicted by the RAR model and their relations to warm DM cosmologies are also addressed. Finally, we provide a brief discussion of how gravitational lensing, dynamical friction, and the formation of SMBHs can also probe the DM's nature.

Argüelles, C. R.; Boshkayev, K.; Krut, A.; Nurbakhyt, G.; Rueda, J. A.; Ruffini, R.; Uribe-Suárez, J. D.; Yunis, R., On the growth of supermassive black holes formed from the gravitational collapse of fermionic dark matter cores, accepted for publication in MNRAS on May 2023.

Observations support the idea that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) power the emission at the center of active galaxies. However, contrary to stellar-mass BHs, there is a poor understanding of their origin and physical formation channel. In this article, we propose a new process of SMBH formation in the early Universe that is not associated with baryonic matter (massive stars) or primordial cosmology. In this novel approach, SMBH seeds originate from the gravitational collapse of fermionic dense dark matter (DM) cores that arise at the center of DM halos as they form. We show that such a DM formation channel can occur before star formation, leading to heavier BH seeds than standard baryonic channels. The SMBH seeds subsequently grow by accretion. We compute the evolution of the mass and angular momentum of the BH using a geodesic general relativistic disk accretion model. We show that these SMBH seeds grow to  ∼109 - 1010 Min the first Gyr of the lifetime of the Universe without invoking unrealistic (or fine-tuned) accretion rates.
Helena X. Ren, Matteo Cerruti, Narek Sahakyan, Quasi-periodic oscillations in the γ-ray light curves of bright active galactic nuclei, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 672 in April 2023.
Context. The detection of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the light curves of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) can provide insights into the physics of the super-massive black holes (SMBHs) powering these systems and could represent a signature of the existence of SMBH binaries, setting fundamental constraints on SMBH evolution in the Universe.
Aims. The identification of long-term QPOs, characterized by periods on the order of several months to years, is particularly challenging and can only be achieved via all-sky monitoring instruments that provide unbiased, continuous light curves of astrophysical objects. The Fermi-LAT satellite, thanks to its monitoring observing strategy, is an ideal instrument for such a goal. Here, we aim to identify QPOs in the γ-ray light curves of the brightest AGNs within the Fermi-LAT catalog.
Methods. We analyzed the light curves of the 35 brightest Fermi-LAT AGNs, including data from the beginning of the Fermi mission (August 2008) to April 2021, with energies from 100 MeV to 300 GeV. Two time binnings were investigated: 7 and 30 days. The search for quasi-periodic features was then performed using the continuous wavelet transform. The significance of the result was tested via Monte Carlo simulations of artificial light curves with the same power spectral density and probability distribution function as the original light curves. The significances were then corrected for the look-elsewhere effect and provided as post-trials.
Results. We identified 24 quasars with candidate QPOs. Several of our candidates coincide with previous claims in the literature, namely: PKS 0537−441, S5 0716+714, Mrk 421, B2 1520+31, and PKS 2247−131. All our candidates are transient. The most significant multi-year QPO, with a period of about 1100 days, was observed in the quasar S5 1044+71. It is reported here for the first time.
Sahakyan, N.; Harutyunyan, G. ; Israyelyan, D., Origin of multiwavelength emission from flaring high redshift blazar PKS 0537-286, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 521, Issue 1 on May 2023.

The high redshift blazars powered by supermassive black holes with masses exceeding 109 M have the highest jet power and luminosity and are important probes to test the physics of relativistic jets at the early epochs of the Universe. We present a multifrequency spectral and temporal study of high redshift blazar PKS 0537-286 by analysing data from Fermi-LAT, NuSTAR Swift XRT, and UVOT. Although the time averaged γ-ray spectrum of the source is relatively soft (indicating the high-energy emission peak is below the GeV range), several prominent flares were observed when the spectrum hardened and the luminosity increased above 1049 erg s-1. The X-ray emission of the source varies in different observations and is characterized by a hard spectrum ≤1.38 with a luminosity of >1047 erg s-1. The broad-band spectral energy distribution in the quiescent and flaring periods was modelled within a one-zone leptonic scenario assuming different locations of the emission region and considering both internal (synchrotron radiation) and external (from the disc, broad-line region, and dusty torus) photon fields for the inverse Compton scattering. The modelling shows that the most optimistic scenario, from the energy requirement point of view, is when the jet energy dissipation occurs within the broad-line region. The comparison of the model parameters obtained for the quiescent and flaring periods suggests that the flaring activities are most likely caused by the hardening of the emitting electron spectral index and shifting of the cut-off energy to higher values.

Link: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad517

B. EslamPanah, Charged Accelerating BTZ Black Holes, accepted for publication in Fortschritte der Physik (Progress of Physics).

In this paper, we first extract general uncharged accelerating BTZ black hole solutions and study some of their properties. Our analysis shows that spacetime's asymptotical behavior depends on four parameters: the cosmological constant, mass, acceleration, and topological constant. Then, we study the temperature of these black holes and find that the temperature is always positive for AdSspacetime. Next, we extend our study for extracting charged accelerating BTZ black hole solutions in the presence of a nonlinear electrodynamics field known as conformally invariant Maxwell. Our findings indicate a coupling between the electrical charge and other quantities of the accelerating BTZ black holes. The asymptotical behavior of charged accelerating BTZ black holes depends on five parameters: the cosmological constant, the electrical charge, mass, the acceleration parameter, and the topological constant. Then, we studied the effects of charge, acceleration parameters, and the topological constant on the root of these black holes. Finally, we investigate the temperature of these black holes in AdSspacetime. For these black holes, the temperature depends on the electrical charge, accelerating parameter, and cosmological constant. Our analysis indicates that the temperature of charged accelerating BTZ AdS black holes is always positive.

Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12619

Antonio Enea Romano, MairiSakellariadou, The mirage of luminal modified gravitational-wave propagation, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter.

Using conformal invariance of gravitational waves, we show that for a luminal modified gravity theory, the gravitational-wave propagation and luminosity distance are the same as in general relativity. The relation between the gravitational-wave and electromagnetic-wave luminosity distance gets however modified for electromagnetism minimally coupled to the Jordan frame metric. Using effective field theory we show that the modified relation obtained for luminal theories is also valid for non-luminal theories with Jordan frame matter-gravity coupling. We generalise our analysis to a time-dependent speed of gravitational waves with matter minimally coupled to either the Jordan or Einstein frame metrics.
Shakeri, Soroush; Hajkarim, Fazlollah, Probing axions via light circular polarization and event horizon telescope, published in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2023, Issue 04 on April 11, 2023.

The impact of axion-like particles on the light polarization around the horizon of supermassive black hole (SMBH) is discussed in the light of the latest polarization measurement of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). We investigate different sources of the polarization due to axion interaction with photons and the magnetic field of SMBH. These can modify the linear and circular polarization parameters of the emitted light. We have shown that a significant circular polarization can be produced via the photon scattering from the background magnetic field with axions as off-shell particles. This can further constrain the parameter space of ultralight axion-like particles and their couplings with photons. The future precise measurements of circular polarization can probe the features of ultralight axions in the near vicinity of SMBH.
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