Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (BAO)
# 15 Zhongguancun Beiyitiao
100080 Beijing
It is the major astronomical observatory of the PR of China.
The Beijing observatory is founded on 1279, under the Yuan dinasty.
In 1958 the National Chinese Academy of Sciences has rebuild it in the
actual Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO). The BAO is actually
devoted in the astrophysical research on: sun, stars, galaxies and
cosmology. Recently many quasars, active galactic nuclei, supernovae
and asteroids have been found. The BAO has obtained very important
results on studying: solar magnetic field, variable and unstable stars,
stellar evolution and cosmology. Astronomers, engineers and technicians
of BAO have won many national and international awares.
Actually BAO is engaged in the construction of the LAMOST (Large
Multi-Object Spectroscopy Telescope) and participate to international
project for the realization of Solar Spatial Telescope and of the
Projected with his staff towards XXI century, the BAO has one ICRA
Network centre with special facilities in his new building.